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Pay Revision Commission- Revised Pay Scales 2020- Fixation of pay Cir.Memo.No.3037-A/306/A1/HRM.IV/2022, Dated:21.02.2023



Pay Revision Commission- Revised Pay Scales 2020- Fixation of pay Cir.Memo.No.3037-A/306/A1/HRM.IV/2022, Dated:21.02.2023

Sub: Public Services- Pay Revision Commission- Revised Pay Scales 2020- Fixation of pay - certain instructions issued.

Ref:- 1. G.O.(P)No.162 Fin. & Plg. (FW PC-1) Department, Dt:20-5-1993.

2. G.O.(P)No.18 Fin. &Plg. (FW-PC.I) Department, dated: 19-1-1994.

3. Fin.&Plg.(FW)Circular Memo No.50841/367/A2/PC-V/96,dated:5.7.1997.

4. G.O.(P)No.266 Fin. &Plg. (FWPC-IV)Department, dated:31-12-1997.

5. G.O.(P)No.267 Fin. &Plg. (FWPC-IV)Department, dated:31-12-1997.

6. Cir.Memo.No.50841/367/A2//PC.1/96,dated: 17.01.1998. 7. G.O.(P).No.114, Finance and Planning (FW:P.C.I)Department, dated:27.08.2005.

8. G.O.(P).No.213, Finance (P.C.1) Department, dated:27.08.2005. 

9. G.O.Ms.No.25, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated: 18.03.2015. 10.G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated:11.06.2021.

In the reference 6th read above, orders were issued to complete all the pay fixations in RPS 1993 before 31.12.1998, if any pay fixation could not be done due to administrative reasons.

2. In the references 7th to 10th read above, orders were issued revising the pay scales from time to time to all employees of the State Government, and Aided Institutions employees.

3. Inspite of clear instructions to complete pay fixations in Revised Pay scales from time to time, it has been brought to the notice of the Government that, in certain Heads of Departments, Institutions, including Universities, Pay fixations in Revised Pay Scales are not being completed due to various reasons. 

4. Government has reviewed the matter and after careful consideration hereby direct that Pay fixations in the Revised Pay Scale, 2020, if any still pending, shall be completed by 31.03.2023.

5. All Departments of the Secretariat, Heads of Departments/Heads of Offices/DDOS, Examiner of Accounts and the Audit Officers are requested to take necessary steps to ensure that all the pay fixations in Revised Pay Scales upto RPS, 2020 are completed by 31.03.2023 positively. 

6. In respect of the cases, where the pay fixation under earlier pay revisions, including RPS, 2020, are not completed before the above date, the same shall be processed only with the prior approval of the Government and pay fixations claims shall be admitted only with the specific orders of the Government in Finance(HRM.IV) Department.




All Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries/ Secretaries to Government,

Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad.

All Head of Department, Government of Telangana, Hyderabad. All District Collector & Magistrates, Telangana.

The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad.

The Director of Works and Accounts, Telangana, Hyderabad. The Director of State Audit, Telangana, Hyderabad.

The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad. The Principal Accountant General (Audit-I/II/A&E), Telangana, Hyderabad.

The Registrar General, High Court of Judicature at Hyderabad for the

State of Telangana.

The Registrar of all Universities, Telangana.

Copy to:

P.S. to Special Chief Secretary/ Secretary (TKS)/ Secretary(DRR)/Sr.Consultant, Finance Department, Telangana Secretariat, Hyderabad.





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