Time Table for Summative Assessment-ll for classes I to IX Rc.No.7002/A/EVL/SCERT/TS/2016 Date: 09-02-2023
Sub: School Education Department
Communication of Time Table for
Summative Assessment-ll for classes I to IX for the academic year
1. Govt. Memo No.8288/SE Prog 11/A1/2022, dt:29.06.2022
2. This office Proc.Rc.No. 185/EVL/TSCERT/2021, dt 28.10.2022
3. GOMs.No.33, School Education (Prog 11) Dept., Dt:28.12.2022
4. Govt. Memo No.14572/SE Prog II/A1/2022, School Education
(Prog. II) Department, Dated 11.01.2023
5. This office Proc.Rc.No. 185/EVL/TSCERT/2021, dt:30.12.2022
The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the State is invited to
the references read above and they are informed that as per the the Academic Calendar communicated vide reference 1" cited, the Summative Assessment (SA)-II for classes I to IX is to be conducted 10.04.2023, in view of the SSC Examinations is being conducted from 03.04.2023 to 13.04.2023. Hence, it is proposed to conduct SA-II Examinations from 12.04.2023 to 18.04.2023
Further, it is informed that Pre-final for class X is to be conducted as per the instructions issued by the Director, SCERT TS, Hyderabad vide reference 5" cited The scheduled SA-ll timetable is furnished in the Table below:
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