Department of School Education
Government of Telangana
10 Bagless Days Every 4th Saturday
Students from Classes I - X
Skits / Monoaction
Story telling
Field Visits-
Tourist sites etc.
Core Elements
Fun activities foster
psychomotor skills
in children.
Hands-on learning
experiences outside
the classroom.
Enhance students'
understanding the
world around them.
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*The focus areas on this NO BAG DAY will be on*
life skills education,
English language skills enhancement,
Physical activities and Art & Craft etc.
1. *PLAY TIME :*
Physical Activities
Treasure hunts
Full body stretching
Focus on LSRW skills
Vocabulary building games like name,place,animal,thing, What am I
Read aloud from story books
Picture talk
Essay writing
Self introduction
Spell be
Story telling
Phonetic sound games
Use of words, actions and expressions while communicating
Daily used phrases and responses in English etc.
Read aloud followed by discussions and story retelling
Imaginative writing, pick and speak, story telling
Art &CraftDrawing
Pot decoration
Paper bag making
Clay modelling
Decoration in class rooms
Mono action
Role plays on how to behave in different situations
*Try to do these activities*
School Education, as a process, has been contributing to the holisticdevelopment of children. Children are natural learners. They learn more when
they are stress-free and in a conducive learning environment. Learning under
pressure makes them anxious and lose interest in learning. Their day-to-day life
experiences, voices, questions etc. need to be given adequate space in the
classroom and new learning needs to be built upon that.
Concept of 10 Bagless Days
All students from classes I to X
will participate in 10-Bagless Days.
Children will be given periodic exposure
to indoor and outdoor activities inside
and outside the school which includes
quizzes, doodling, experiments, visits to
places/monuments of historical,
cultural and tourist importance,
meeting local artists and craftsmen and
visits to higher educational institutions in their Village/ Mandal/ District/ State as
decided by states and local communities.
This document covers all the important aspects and the activities of the
implementation of the 10 Bagless Days in a systematic way.
Objectives 10 Bagless Days
The general objective of the 10 Bagless Days is to help the children to experience joyful learning with
fun. In specific terms,
the objectives of 10 Bagless Days are :
- To build observation-based learning capacity and scope for practice.
- Develop an understanding of the connectedness of community and interdependence.
- Interdependence of classroom with theoretical as well as practical application.
- To promote the dignity of labour through hands-on activity and existing local vocations like carpentry, electrical work, gardening, pottery etc.
- To give exposure to possible career and higher education avenues.
For the effective implementation of 10 Bagless Days, various stakeholders need to be involved with their appropriate roles.
1. Principal / Headmaster of the school
- Principal / Headmaster shall provide physical facilities/ resources for the implementation of activities envisaged under annual work plan of the 10 bagless days.
- Guide, motivate, monitor and support teachers of different subjects properly in the implementation of the annual work plan in the school.
- Make provisions to provide physical as well as financial resources appropriately needed for implementing the desired activities under the plan.
2. Teachers of different subjects
The teachers who are teaching subjects like languages, mathematics,
science, social science, physical education, art, music, and vocational - work experience teachers shall be involved in the process of organising these visits and skill-based activities.
• Organize activities and relate them to real-life situations
• Explain the underlying concept, importance, relevance with related subject areas
• Guide, motivate and advise students during the implementation of activities
• Involve, observe and evaluate students in each activity
• Arrange for necessary resources including finance, transport and other
Assessment and Evaluation of the student
To achieve the desired learning outcomes, teachers may undertake internal and informal assessments by observing the observation skills, critical thinking, questioning, language competency, teamwork, and discipline of the students
while performing the activities.Developing an Annual Work Plan
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