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Irregularities noticed in the bills preferred by the DDOS, received in Treasury Offices - Certain Instructions, Cir. Memo No.F2/2964/2020,Dt:20th June, 2023



Irregularities noticed in the bills preferred by the DDOS, received in Treasury Offices - Certain Instructions, Cir. Memo No.F2/2964/2020,Dt:20th June, 2023

Sub: P. S. T & A Dept., Irregularities noticed in the bills preferred by the DDOS, received in Treasury Offices - Certain Instructions - Issued.

Ref: 1. G.O. MS No.75 Finance(TFR) Dept. Dt:20.02.2023 2. Govt memo No.1759445/88/DTA/VC/2022 Dt:20.02.2023

3. This Office U.O note No.G2/4821/2022 Dt:04.04.2023 4. This Office U.O note No.G2/4821/2022 Dt:01.05.2023

Attention of all the Unit Officers is invited to the subject cited.

Several instances have come to the notice of this office, that inspite of there being clear instructions for crediting the amounts of claims which are to be credited to the third parties viz. Contingent bills, Electricity bills, telephone bills, Hire vehicle charges, postal stamps, water bills, rents rates & taxes etc.., the amounts were credited to the DDO's accounts or any other accounts through IFMIS package, contravening the orders of the Government.

In view of the above, all the Treasury Officers are hereby instructed to insist for a

certificate as mentioned at Sl. No.3 below and to:

1. ensure proper scrutiny of bills and strictly adhere to the provisions regarding drawal procedure issued vide G.O Ms No. 75 Finance (TFR) Dept., Dt:03.04.2014 and also other instructions issued from time to time for passing various bills.

2. The sanction proceedings issued by the competent authority/DDO shall contain details of the beneficiary bank account(s) and Treasury shall not admit the claims without mention of beneficiary account(s) in the proceedings.

3. The DDO is responsible in entering the beneficiary bank details in the IFMIS DDO Module for all the claims. A certificate by the DDO shall be appended to the bill, duly certifying that "the Bank details provided in the bill pertains to the actual recipient/beneficiary of the claim and the Bank details thus provided in the bill, along with amounts to be credited, via IFMIS package are verified and found correct".

Any deviation in this regard will be viewed seriously, as it may lead to wrong credits and frauds.

Sd/- K SRC Murthy

Director of Treasuries and Accounts


The Joint Director, Pension Payment Office, Hyderabad All the District Treasury Officers (DDs/ADS/ATOS) in the state (through ftp).

Copy to: The Addl Director of DTA TS Hyd (G-section)

// F.B.O.//

Junior Accounts Officer


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