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Rc. No. 89/Genl/2023
Dt: 21.06.2023
School Education- Organizing Telangana Dashabdi Festival in the State from 2nd to 22nd June, 2023- "TELANGANA AMARULA SAMSMARANA" on 22nd June, 2023-Certain Instructions Issued-Reg.
Read: 1. Govt.Memo.No.275/Poll.B/2023-1, dt: 16.05.2023. 2. Govt.Memo.No.275/Poll.B/2023, dt: 30.05.2023.
With reference to the above subject cited, it is to inform that on the occasion of completion of 10 years of Telangana State Formation, Government have decided to conduct Telangana Dashabdi Utsavalu' from 2nd to 22nd June, 2023 on a grand scale across the State.
In this regard, in order to commemorate the contribution of martyrs towards the State of
Telangana, the State has decided to observe Telangana Amarula Samsmarana on 22nd June, 2023.
Therefore, the concerned Heads of the Departments, the RJDs and DEOS are directed to issue necessary instructions to all schools under all managements in the district, to pay homage to the martyrs, by observing (02) minutes' silence at the end of the morning assembly and organize speeches by the HMs and teachers to commemorate the contribution of martyrs towards the State of Telangana.
Director, School Education
The State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha
The Director, Model Schools.
The Secretary, TREIS.
All the District Educational Officers in the State. Copy to the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Hyderabad & Warangal.
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