1st Class Maths Work Book Content
01. Shapes
02. Numbers from 1 to 5
03. Numbers from 6 to 9
04. Zero
05. Numbers from 10 to 20
06. Addition numbers total not exceeding 9 07. Subtraction of numbers upto 9
08. Addition of numbers, the total not exceeding 20
09. Subtraction of numbers less than 20
10. Introduction of Ten's from 10 to 100
11. Numbers from 20 to 100
12. Money
13. Time
14. Length - Weight - Size
2nd class maths work book
01. Numbers from 1 to 9
02. Additions, Whose sum is not exceeding 9
03. Subtractions of numbers upto 9
04. Addition & Subtractions
05. Number 10
06. Numbers from 10 to 20
07. Numbers from 10 to 100
08. Numbers from 20 to 100
09. Introduction of 3-digit numbers
10. Comparing 3-digit numbers
11. Additions
12. Subtractions
13. Multiplications
14. Divisions
15. Length of the things
16. Weight of the things
17. Measure of liquids
18. Money
19. Time
20. Shapes
21. Let us record
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