Gender & Equity - Rani Laxmi Bai Aatma Raksha Prashikshan- Self Defence Programme for girls - 2023-24 in 4066 Schools in the State for a period of 3 months from 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023


Present:: Smt. A. Sridevasena, I.A.S.,

Rc. No.2246/SS/G&E/T8/2023 Dt: 03.09.2023.

Sub: Gender & Equity - Rani Laxmi Bai Aatma Raksha Prashikshan- Self Defence Programme for girls - 2023-24 in 4066 Schools in the State for a period of 3 months from 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023-Sanction order issued.

Ref: PAB Minutes, 2022-23 BE BE

         Sanction is hereby accorded for an amount Rs.609.9 Lakhs (Rupees Six Crores Nine Lakhs and Ninety Thousand only) towards conduct of (3) months of self defense programme (Rani Laxmibai Aatma Raksha Prashikshan) in 4066 schools (3566 Secondary & senior secondary schools and 500 Elementary schools) in the State for a period of 3 months 01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023 with a monthly remuneration of Rs.5000/- to the trainer.

            Further all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Officers in the State are directed to utilize the funds released for the said purpose only.

            Therefore, the Finance Controller of this Office is requested to release an amount Rs.609.9 Lakhs (Rupees Six Crores Nine Lakhs and Ninety Thousand only) to all the District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Officers in the State duly meeting from the budget available under Rani Laxmi Bai Aatma Raksha Prashikshan intervention under Gender & Equity of AWP&B 2022-23. The District wise releases are shown in the Annexure enclosed. Encl. Implementation Plan.

                                                Director School Education & Ex-officio State Project Director


The State Finance Controller of this office.

The District Educational Officers & Ex-Officio Project Officers in the State.


Suggestive implementation plan

At district level, trainers shall be identified with the help of district sports development officers.

⚫ Allotment of trainers to schools shall be done by DEO at districtlevel.

⚫ Women trainers shall be given preference. If not available, male trainers shall be engaged.

The training shall take place within the school hours only. The HMs shall make arrangements in the timetable accordingly.

Weekly 3 sessions, monthly 12 sessions are to be covered.

⚫ The training shall be held under the supervision of the school PET/PD or any other teacher of the school.

⚫ The training shall invariably impart self-defense techniques like using nudges, flicks, kicks, punches etc., strategically.

⚫ No.of schools: 4066 schools (3566 secondary & senior secondary schools and 500 elementary schools

⚫ Remuneration: Not exceeding Rs.5000/- per school per month

⚫ Period: 3 months, from October 2023 to December 2023. Demonstration on 24th January 2024 in all schools and at district level.

Director School Education & Ex-Officio State Project Director

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