Steps for Pre requisite Period:
1. Mind Mapping
Pre requisites (for entire lesson)
2. Identification of prerequisites through discussion.
3. Reading the prerequisites
4. Explanation (Activity/Discussion/Examples) of prerequisites.
5. Evaluation of understanding of prerequisites.
Steps for Teaching Period:
1. Oral Language Development (Recapitulation).
2. Reading Activity (I / We / You) to improve reading.
3. Identification of keywords.
4. Explaining the meanings of the keywords. (Mother tongue
followed by English).
5. Activities for Conceptual Understanding (Experiments /Activity /
Explanation /Discussion / Interaction / Analysis).
6. Explaining the concepts in mother tongue.
7. Evaluation
Steps for Practice Period:
1. Oral Language Development (Recapitulation).
2. Activities for reading the text & comprehension (By using
bilingual books.
3. Practice for writing answers (Whole class Activity).
4. Presentation by the children.
5. Editing through discussion.
6. Evaluation.
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