AP Payment of Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 & 2008 Memo No: FIN02-18069/28/2023-H SEC-DTA 07/12/2023
Sub: PS - T&A Department School Education - Payment of Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 & 2008 - Reg
Ref: 1. G.O.Ms.No 39, School Education (Exams) department, dated 21-06-2021.
2. Memo.No.1527176/Services-1/A2/2023, School Education (Services-I) Department, dated 02-06-2023.
3. G.O.Ms.No. 71, School Education (Services-I) Department, dated 09-08-2023
4. Lr.Rc.No.32022/6/2023-ACCOUNTS) EST3-CSE of Commissioner School Education Dt:02-12-2023 enclosing letter Rc. No: 3920/A2 /DSC-1998-2008/2022 dated 20-10-2023. ***
While enclosing a copy of the reference 4th cited, the DTAOS of Ananthapuramu and Sri Sathya Sai districts are requested to take further necessary action for allowing the Minimum Time Scales to the Contract Teachers of DSC 1998 and 2008 against the vacant posts mentioned therein. Further, the MTS so allowed should be on the SGT scale only irrespective of the vacancy against which the MTS is claimed.
This is for information and necessary action.
Encl: As above
N. Mohana Rao
Director of Treasuries and Accounts
To The DTAOs of Anathapuramu and Sri Sathya Sai districts (through FTP/e-mail only)
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