Conduct of Science Exhibitions at District Level and State Level Rc. No. 675/Sci/SCERT-TS/2023 Dated: 4-12-2023
SCERT, Telangana, Hyderabad - Conduct of Science Exhibitions at District Level and State Level in Telangana State of Rajya Stariya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani (RSBVP) 2023-24-Reg.
i) F.No.12-4/DESM/2023-24/ACM/, dt: 17.07.2023 of Professor And Head, DESM, NCERT, New Delhi.
ii) Guidelines from NCERT, New Delhi.
iii) Lr.No.VM24(18)/EDEXT/SISF-2024/413, dt.26.08.2023 of Director, VITM, Bangalore.
iv) Proc. Rc.No. 675/Sci/SCERT-TS/2023, even dt. 09-08-2023 & 29-9-2023 of this office.
v) Proc Rc. No. 3988/TSS/Pdg/T6/2023-1, Dt. 3-10-2023 of Director of School Education and Ex.officio, State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, TS, Hyderabad.
The attention of all the District Educational Officers in the state is invited to the subject cited and they are informed that as per the guidelines of NCERT, New Delhi, the Department of School Education, Telangana State has to conduct District Level Science, Mathematics & Environment Exhibition (DLSMEE) in all the Districts and Rajya Stariya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani (RSBVP) 2023-24 at State level which is also called as State Level Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (SLSMEE).
The theme for the SLSMEE 2023-24 is "Science and Technology for Society".
The Sub themes:
1. Health
2. LIFE (Lifestyle for Environment).
3. Agriculture
4. Communication and Transport
5. Computational Thinking.
(Note: Sub themes mentioned above are suggestive in nature. Students may develop innovative models on any other sub-theme, pertaining to the main theme Le., "Science and Technology for Society").
As a part of conduct of said Science Exhibitions, a seminar has to be conducted for students at district level.
Topic for one day seminar: "Millets for Health and Sustainable Planet".
Vide ref (v) cited, the Director of School Education and Ex.officio, State Project Director, Samagra Shiksha, TS, Hyderabad has sanctioned an amount of Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand) per each district towards conduct of science exhibitions at district level.
The State Level Science Mathematics and Environment Exhibition (SLSMEE) will be held in last week of December, 2023. The exact dates and venue of SLSMEE will be informed in due course.
Further, it is informed that the winners at SLSMEE will also participate in SISF 2023-24 which will be held Andhra Pradesh state in January, 2024.
Therefore, all the District Educational Officers are requested to complete the district level exhibitions by 20th December, 2023. The winners list shall be sent to SCERT through email before 21st December, 2023.
Director, SCERT, TS
All the District Educational Officers in the State.
All the RJDSEs in the State.
Copy submitted to Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
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