TS Providing Equipment and Furniture to 135 Inclusive Education Resource Centres (Bhavitha) - Release of Amount Rc.No.906/SS/IE/T8/2022 Dt: 13.12.2023
Sub:- TSS, Hyderabad - Providing Equipment and Furniture to 135 Inclusive Education Resource Centres (Bhavitha) - Release of Amount - Orders Issued - Reg.
Ref:- Minutes of the PAB meeting 2023-24 held on 24.03.2023 communicated by GOI. vide Lr.F.No.3-2/2023-IS-12 Dated: 24.04.2023, New Delhi.
Sanction is hereby accorded for an amount of Rs.67.50,000/- (Rupees Sixty Seven Lakhs Fifty Thousand only) to the 32 District Educational Officers and Ex-Officio. District Project Officers, Samagra Shiksha. Telangana for purchasing of the equipment and furniture for strengthening of newly formed 135 JERC / Bhavitha centres Rs.50,000/- to each centre through District level purchasing committees duly following the rules in vogue.
The following are the District Wise newly sanctioned IERC / Bhavitha Centres:
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