Present: Dr. Mallaiah Battu, M.A., Ph.D
Payments of TA to the MNOs Procs.Rc.No.2191/Grants/TSS/Plg/T7/2017, Dated: 19.03.2024
Samagra Shiksha, Telangana State Release of amount of Rs.36,12,000/- (Rupees Thirty Six Lakhs Twelve Thousand only) to all the District Educational Officers in the State towards the payments of TA to the MNOs for monitoring of schools- Orders-Issued- Reg.
1 PAB Minutes vide F. No. 3-2/2023-IS-12, dated: 24.04.2023 of Under Secretary to GOI, MOE, DOSE&L, New Delhi.
2 This Office Procs. Rc.No., No.2490/SS/Pdg./T6/2022, Date: 23.07.2022
3 This Office Procs. Rc.No.2191/Grants/TSS/Plg/T7/2017, dated 13.07.2023
In continuation of this office proceedings 2nd read above, sanction is hereby accorded for release of an amount of Rs.36,12,000/- (Rupees Thirty Six Lakhs Twelve Thousand only) to the District Educational Officers & EO DPOS SS in the state as mentioned in the annexure enclosed herewith @ Rs. 6000/- per mandal to 602 Mandal Nodal Officers towards the payment of TA to the MNOs for the academic year 2023-2024 for monitoring of schools in their jurisdiction for implementation of FLN, LIP as per reference 2nd read above.
The District Educational Officers in the State are requested to release the amount to the MNOs @Rs.600/- per month based on the number of months MNOs visited the schools in the mandal for implementation of FLN, Learning Improvement Programme during the academic year 2023-2024 by ensuring not to exceed the allocated amount of Rs.6000/- per mandal for the year 2023-2024. The payments are to be made to the MNOS directly into their bank accounts.
Therefore the State Finance Controller of this office is requested to make arrangement for release an amount of Rs.36, 12,000/- (Rupees Thirty Six Lakhs Twelve Thousand only) to all the District Educational Officers concerned in the State as per the annexure enclosed herewith immediately.
The proposed expenditure shall be met from approved budget of MRC Grant of AWP & B 2023-24.
State Project Director.
Samagra Shiksha, Telangana,
The State Finance Controller of this office
All the District Educational Officers in the State
Copy to the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Hyderabad and Warangal.
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