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TSGLI policy number and it's updation in IFMIS portal- Ensuring proper Insurance coverage Lr. No. 01/e-Posting/2023-2024, dt. 06-02-2024



TSGLI policy number and it's updation in IFMIS portal- Ensuring proper Insurance coverage Lr. No. 01/e-Posting/2023-2024, dt. 06-02-2024


All the Drawing & Disbursing Officers Telangana State

Subject:- Telangana State Government Life Insurance Department Automation of TSGLI policy holder services Obtaining TSGLI policy number and it's updation in IFMIS portal- Ensuring proper Insurance coverage communicated - Regarding. certain guidelines

Reference: G.O Ms.No.92, Fin (Admn -I) Dept. dt. 16-08-2021.

This Department has taken up migration of T.S.G.L.I. subscriptions data through e-transfer from IFMIS Portal on to these office records. As a result the entire subscriptions of policy holders are electronically updated in their policy accounts.

In this regard, I am to state that while posting premium amounts to the respective policy holder account numbers, it is found that some of the subscribers have either quoted wrong policy numbers / wrong employee ID numbers (or) did not mention the policy number in the TSGLI schedule, as a result, the premium received is kept under suspense (until the subscriber approaches for remedial procedures) as the said amounts are treated as unauthorised affecting even the risk of insurance coverage. And non-submission of proposal form shall result in financial loss to the employee as the benefits become uncovered. For such lapses (non coverage of insurance due to non submission of proposal form) the DDO as well as the Employee concerned only are responsible but not the Insurance Department.

As such, the motto is "No eligible employee (below 56 years of age) should be left with TSGLI policy un / not issued".

In this regard, as per the TSGLI Fund rule 19 and also the Government orders issued in the reference cited, the D.D.O. is solely responsible

⚫ for deducting the premium (first time / subsequent) from all the eligible employees (who are in the age group of 19 years to 56 years) invariably at the prescribed slab rates.


• forwarding the requisite proposal form of the employee with due attestation to the concerned District Insurance office. and then getting the policy for the employee

Deduction of premium and submission of proposal form to the Insurance Department, both should take place before the Employee attains the maximum insurable age of 56 years.

• updating the correct policy numbers in IFMIS portal.

Hence, all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers across the state need to ensure getting TSGLI policies for total subscriptions with respect to each employee. If not obtained in case of any employee they shall obtain proposal from the respective employee, forward the same and get policies from District Insurance Offices immediately and update TSGLI No. in Employee Masters in IFMIS portal. It is mandatory to protect their legitimate interests and to avoid complications.

Further requested to see that total deducted premium should be equivalent to worth of total proposal forms submitted and Policies obtained from TSGLI Dept. to ensure full Insurance coverage. In other words, every premium enhancement should invariably be followed by proposal submission to the Insurance Department to get the full insurance benefits covered.

For further details they may visit: www.tsgli.telangana.gov.in. All the policy holders/subscribers and Drawing and Disbursing Officers across the state are therefore requested to check the details as stated above, if needed take immediate steps at their end, to ensure total coverage of Insurance under TSGLI scheme.

If the policy numbers have already been obtained and updated in the IFMIS Portal, the DDOs may please ignore the above.



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