Adjustment of Teacher in Needy Schools on work adjustment base in the Nizamabad District Rc.No. 1812/B1/B2/2024 Dt:-07-2024
Sub:- School Education - Nizamabad Adjustment of Teacher in Needy Schools on work adjustment base in the District - Instructions issued - Reg.
The following committees has been constituted with the following officials / Complex Head Masters for Adjustment of Teachers in Needy Schools from the Schools where the Surplus teachers are available on work adjustment base in the District during the year 2024-2025.
Mandal Committee for adjustment within the Mandal,
1. Mandal Educational Officer concerned
2. Mandal Nodal Officer concerned.
3. All Complex Head Masters in the Mandal
The Mandal Committee can make adjustments at their level in needy schools duly identifying from surplus teachers within the Mandal and submit compliance to the undersigned.
Committee for adjustment from Mandal to Mandal
1. Mandal Educational Officer, Armoor
2. Mandal Educational Officer, Bodhan
3. Mandal Educational Officer, Nizamabad
The above committee can make adjustment for mandal to mandal duly identifying from surplus teachers inter mandal and submit proposals for approval of the Collector & District Magistrate, Nizamabad.
Accordingly, all the Mandal Educational Officers in the District are requested to take necessary action for smooth functioning of the Schools
The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
District Educational Officer, Nizamabad.
All the Mandal Educational Officers in the District All the Mandal Nodal Officers in the District. All the Complex Head Masters in the District Copy submitted to the Commissioner, School Education, TG, Hyderabad for favour of kind information.
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