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G.O.Ms.No.317, G.A (SPF.I) Dept., dated.06.12.2021 and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A (SPF.II) Dept., dated 04.04.2022 -Certain information called for U.O.Note.No.2123/SPF-I/2024 Dated.30.07.2024.

Meeting on 03.08.2024


G.O.Ms.No.317, G.A (SPF.I) Dept., dated.06.12.2021 and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A (SPF.II) Dept., dated 04.04.2022 -Certain information called for U.O.Note.No.2123/SPF-I/2024 Dated.30.07.2024.

Sub: GAD Cabinet Sub Committee G.O.Ms.No.317, G.A (SPF.I) Dept., dated.06.12.2021 and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A (SPF.II) Dept., dated 04.04.2022 -Certain information called for


Ref:- 1) G.O.Rt.No.292, G.A. (Cabinet) Dept., dt.24.02.2024. 2) U.O.Note No.2123/SPF-1/2024, dated. 25.07.2024.

The attention of all the Special Chief Secretaries/Principal Secretaries / Secretaries to Govt. is invited to the subject and references cited.

2. As discussed in the last meeting held on 26/07/2024, they are requested to carefully re-examine once again all the grievance applications pertaining to their respective departments under Spouse / Mutual Medical and other grounds in terms of Para 22 of G.O.Ms.No.317, dated.06.12.2021. They shall take into consideration only such cases where the applicant was dislocated while implementing G.O.Ms.No.317, They are also requested to furnish how many clear vacancies are available in the concerned local cadres, how many requests can be accommodated and the related details.

3. In respect of requests based on the local status who got dislocated due to implementation of G.O.Ms.No.317, dated.06.12.2021, the departments are requested to carefully examine and verify the local status claimed, with reference to their service register / 10th class certificate and inform how many clear vacancies are available in the concerned local cadres to examine / consider such requests and the related details.

4. Further, all the Secretariat Departments are requested to nominate an officer who is well versed with the subject matter of Presidential Order, as the nodal officer dedicated to this subject to complete this process in their departments and to coordinate with GAD (Services) until completion of this process. The Department shall communicate the details of the above said officer to this department immediately and also upload in the web portal on G.O.Ms.No.317.


All the departments of the Secretariat are hereby requested to

upload the revised data scrutinized as per the above instructions, in the

web portal and also submit a copy of the same to this department before

02.08.2024 by evening in the prescribed pro-forma annexed to this U.O

Note, with seal and signature of the concerned Spl. C.S / Prl. Secy /

Secretary without fail.




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