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NAS National Achievement Survey All Subjects All Classes Model Question Papers

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👉 క్షేత్ర పరిశోధకుల మార్గదర్శి 

Instructions to teachers for conduction the listening test:

1. For doing the whole test, students will get 90 minutes.
2. Distribute the question booklet.
3. Do the listening test before the rest of the paper.
4. Tell them. "The first part is a listening test. You to circle the right answers on
your booklet. Please read the questions on page ---- of the test paper first." (Give
them 5 minutes).
5. After 5 minutes say loudly and clearly, "You will listen to a story. Listen
carefully. As you listen, try to find the answers. You will listen to the story once
more. You can try to find answers again." (Explain in mother tongue if required).
6. Now read out the story slowly and carefully so that all the students can listen to it. You can stand in the middle of the class so that your voice reaches all the students.
7. For most of the students this test will be a new experience. Therefore, make the
atmosphere easy and friendly. Read out each question but DO NOT try to explain
8. Students will read the Reading Comprehension passages themselves. PLEASE DO
9. Ask students to use pencil to mark the answers.
10. Before distributing the test booklets please fill up the columns on the front page.
11. Fill up all the columns in English. Fill all the codes in International Numerals eg. ( 1,2,3…)
12. Before going into the room you may first procure the Attendance Register.
13. After entering the room, see the seating arrangement of the students. Each child must have a proper seat. The room should be clean and properly lit.
14. Ask the students to sit according to their roll numbers. Please ensure that they are sitting at the correct seat.
15. Go to students one by one, ask their name and fill up in the test booklet. ( DO NOT DISTRIBUTE THE TEST YET.)
16. Ask the students to take out their pencils and eraser. Make sure the pencils are properly sharpened. If a child has no pencil or eraser then help him/her to get one.

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👉 All Classes All Subjects NAS Model Question Papers Urdu Medium 

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