Present: S. Yadaiah, M.A., B.Ed.
Regularization of services Certain LPs/SAS/LFL HMS working under the Administrative Control of the D.E.O Mancherial Dated: 31.07.2024. Rc.No.B3/1412/2022
Sub: School Education-Regularization of services Certain LPs/SAS/LFL HMS working under the Administrative Control of the D.E.O Mancherial-Orders- Issued-Reg.
Ref: 1. Commissioner and Director of School Education A.P Hyderabad Procs Rc.No.2265/D2-1/2010,dt.02-09-2010.
2. G.O.Ms.No.12/ Edn, dated 23-01-09.
3. Reports received from the Intelligence Department TG, Hyderabad.
4. Proposals received from various H.Ms/MEOS.
The verification of character and antecedents reports received vide reference 3rd cited. Based on the proposals received from the various Heads of institutions/Mandal Educational Officers/Head Masters under the powers delegated in the reference 2nd cited and instructions issued by the Commissioner and Director of School Education A.P Hyderabad vide Proc. Rc.No.2265/D2-1/2010,dt.02-09-2010. Hence, the District Educational Officer, Mancherial is pleased to regularize the services of Certain Teachers in the cadre of SGTs,/LPs/SAs & equivalent and declaration of probation from the dates shown against each as mentioned in the Annexure appended, to the proceedings subject to outcome of the result in S.C.P.C.C. 31183131/2004 filed in Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.
The individuals are informed that, the orders issued now are liable for cancellation/ modification at any time without assigning any reasons thereof and dates of their regularizations are without prejudice to their seniors.
The Mandal Educational Officers / Headmasters concerned are requested to record the same in the Service Registers of the individuals under proper attestation.
The Service Registers of the individuals are returned herewith.
The receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged promptly.
Encl: (Annexure)
Sd/- S. Yadaiah District Educational Officer, Mancherial.
The individuals concerned (through MEOS/HMs). Copy to the Mandal Educational Officer/Headmasters concerned.
Copy to the School Complex Head Master concerned.
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