Work adjustment of teaching staff from surplus teachers to needy schools Proc. Rc.No. 1098/A2/2024. Date:7-08-2024 vide Warangal DEO
Sub:- School Education Warangal Work adjustment of teaching staff from surplus teachers to needy schools (Govt/ZP/MP/Aided Schools) in the Warangal District for the academic year 2024-2025- Instructions Issued.
Read: 1 Instructions of the Director of School Education, T.S. Hyderabad.
2 Instructions of the District Collector, Warangal.
3 Proposals from the Mandal Educational Officers in the Warangal
4 G.O.Ms.No.25, School Education (Sr-II) Dept. Dated 12.08.2021.
The Mandal Educational Officers in the Warangal District had submitted necessary work adjustment proposals of teachers from surplus schools to needy schools vide reference 3rd cited, in the Govt./ZP/MP/Aided Schools in the Warangal District for the academic year 2024-2025 in the interest of school administration and completion of syllabus as per schedule during the academic year 2024-2025.
And as per the instructions of the Director of School Education, T.G., the District Educational Officer, Warangal is hereby informed all the Mandal Educational Officers in the District are requested to adjust the teachers as per the enrollment and in terms of the G.O.MS No.25, School Education (Sr-II) Dept Dated 12.08.2021 by giving written Orders.
Hence all the Mandal Educational Officers in the Warangal District are hereby instructed to effect work adjustments of teachers of the Primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools to High Schools for the academic year 2024-2025 with in their mandal and for the out of the mandals proposals shall be submitted to this office immediately. The Annexure-l to III are herewith enclosed for taking further action.
The receipt of the proceedings should be acknowledged and action should be taken accordingly following the necessity and rules in the vogue.
Enl:As above.
Sd/-. District Educational Officer, Warangal
All the Mandal Educational Officers in the Warangal District for necessary action. Copy submitted to the Director of School Education, Telangana Hyderabad for favour of kind
information. Copy submitted to the District Collector, Warangal for kind information.
//t.c.f.b.o Superintendent
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