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AAPC Funds Flow Chart Deducting Statutory Deductions and Related forms Annexures


Sri.Muzammil Khan., I.A.S., Collector and District Magistrate, Khammam


The All VOs concerned
All the Headmasters concerned.
All the MPDOs in the District. All the EES/DES/AEs of PR, R&B, TGEWIDC, TW & KMC.

AAPC Funds Flow Chart Deducting Statutory Deductions Rc. No.2111/B10/SS/KMM/2024 DE11-9-2024.

Sub:- School Education Khammam- Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees in all Govt. & Local Body Schools administrative sanction of works & Payment of bills communicated-Funds Flow Chart Deducting Statutory Deductions- Remittance in relevant head of Account- Intimated- Reg

Ref:- G.O.MS.No.5, Dt.12.03.2024 of School Education (Prog.I) Department, TS, Hyderabad.

With reference to the subject cited, it is informed that all Mandal Parishad Development Officers are requested to strictly follow the guidelines as per "Funds Flow Chart in-respect works of Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees" in Khammam District.

Further, it is informed that all the MPDOs of Khammam District are informed to deduct all types of Statutory deduction as per M-Books before making payment of bills to Amma Adarsha Patashala Committees Concerned from the advance amount received. All the MPDO's of the concerned will be held responsible to remit the deductions of work bills into relevant head of accounts without any delay.

➤ Deductions to be paid by MPDO concerned, at the submission of the work bill check list of Annexure-I, Annexure-II and Annexure-III are to be mandatorily affixed.

➤ At the time of payment following annexure I, II & III to be submitted to MPDO.

➤ MPDOs to submit UC to District Collector on funds released to AAPCs from advance funds received.

Annexure-1. Check list for work file submission to MPDO by Executing agency (AE/DE/EE).

Annexure-2. Scrutiny certificate to be submitted by scrutiny officer to MPDO of the school concerned.

Annexure-3. School wise deductions and net amount payable to be submitted by AE to MPDO.

Annexure 4. Scrutiny officers list

At the submission of Final Bills before & after photos to be submitted without fail.

➤ 10% deviation in administrative sanction per School will be sanctioned by the MPDO concerned and further deviation needs approval of the Collector and District Magistrate, Khammam based on the scrutiny officer's opinion submitted in written.

Scrutiny Officers in the mandal

1. Mandal Educational Officer of concerned mandal
2. Mandal Nodal Officer of concerned mandal
3. MPO of concerned mandal
4. GECO O% DEO, Khammam for KGBVs/TSMS/URS.

The above scrutiny officers are hereby instructed to verify and scrutiny certificates submit to the MPDOs concerned.

Check list (AAPC)- To be submitted by AE

1. Admin sanction
2. AAPC Resolution signed by HM & AAPC Chairperson
3. Before and After work photos (Component wise)
4. MB and complete work file
5. Annexure -III (Component wise payment & Deduction


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