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Conveyance allowance to all the Teaching and Non Teaching employees with disabilities



The Director, Treasuries and Accounts Dept., Telangana, Hyderabad.


The State Organizing Secretary, Visually Challenged Employees Association Telangana, Hyderabad.


Lr No.F2/1068/2022, Dt: 20.07.2024

Sub: P.S.T & A Dept. Conveyance allowance to all the Teaching and Non Teaching employees with disabilities working in the Department of Education, Govt of Telangana.

1. G.O. M.S. No.25 Finance (HRM.IV) Dept Dt:22.06.2023

2. Govt of Telangana, Finance (HRM.IV) Dept. Lr.No.2262919/105/A2/ HRM.IV/2023 Dt:16.11.2023 

3. Representation of Visually challenged Employees Association Dt: 06.05.24

While enclosing the copies of the reference 1st and 2nd the Visually challenged Employees Association dt:06.05.2024, have submitted a representation with a request to instruct all the STOs to sanction the conveyance allowance to all the employees with disabilities even during the term and summer holidays.

Through the reference 1 read above, the Government of Telangana have issued orders that the conveyance allowance shall be paid at 10% of the basic pay subject to a maximum of 3,000/- per month to the blind, Hearing impaired and physically handicapped employees. All other conditions regarding eligibility, procedure etc., shall remain unchanged.

Through the reference 2nd reference above cited, the Government of Telangana in Finance HRM.IV Dept. have replied to an application under RTI Act of 2005, informing that, no orders have issued for prohibiting sanction/payment of conveyance allowance to Teaching and Non Teaching employees working in Government Schools and colleges during Term Holidays and Summer Holidays.

However, it is to inform that, the Government vide G.O. MS No.262 F&P Dept Dt:25.08.1980, have extended the concession of payment of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopedically handicapped Government employees subject to a maximum of *50/- per month for going to and coming from the place of their duty subject to (4) conditions.

In view of the above, it is to inform that, the conveyance allowance to all the employees with disabilities during the term and summer holidays is not admissible.

Yours Sincerely

Sd/-K SRC Murthy Director of Treasuries and Accounts

Copy to the JD PPO Hyd and All the DDs and DTOs for information and necessary action.


She Junfor Accounts wshn Officer


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