Employees of TSWREI Society -Recruited as PGT/JL/DL of TSWREI Society or other Society-Certain Instructions Rc. No. G/TS/0410/2019 Dated: 25.03, 2019
Sub:TSWREIS-General - Employees of TSWREI Society -Recruited as PGT/JL/DL of TSWREI Society or other Society-Certain Instructions Issued -Reg
Ref:Guarantee Bond signed/submitted by the individual at the time of joining.
All the Regional Coordinators and Principals of TSWR Schools are aware that the newly recruited candidates through TSPSC/TREI-RB has to pay Rs.1 Lakh if they are leaving Society before three years as per agreement.
In this regard, the following revised instructions are issued:
1.If the working teachers (TGT/PGT)of TSWREI Society are appointed in the TSWREI Society as Principal/DL/JL/PGT they need not pay any amount.
2. The amount that one employee has to pay is Rs.25,000/-against Rs.1,00,000/,if he/she is going to next higher post in other Residential Society.
3. The amount that one employee has to pay.if he/she goes to other department other than Welfare Residential Schools has been reduced to Rs.50,000/-as against Rs.1,00,000/-.
4. The bond amount has to be paid at once.
5. The candidates have to be "releved" (they need not resign), if they go to other Residential Socicties only. Whereas, this doesn't apply to those who are going to other Non-Residential Organization. 6.All others who do not fulfill the above criteria's must pay Rs.1,00,000/-at once.
The Regional Coordinators and Principals are hereby instructed to follow the above instructions viewed seriously. scrupulously. Any complaints received in this regard will be
To All the Regional Coordinators. All the Principals, TSWR Institutions.for SECRETART
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