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Project work: 4th class FA 3 English


Name: ______________________________________
Class: 4th Class 
School: _______________________________________
Subject: English 
Lesson : Honesty 
Name of the Test: Formative Assessment - 4
Name of the Project: Expressions 
Marks : 10 Marks 
Date : ...../ 02 / 202.... ( To be conducted before Feb 28st )

Q1 Here are some expressions that are used in several public places. ? 5×2=10 Marks
Beware of dogs
No parking
Outside food not allowed.
Don’t go near animals.
1. What does each one mean?
2. Where is each one of them used?
Q2: Write a few expressions like the above for the following situations. Prepare sign boards.
3.You do not want your classmates to throw waste in the classroom..
4.You want the children to stand in a queue.
5.You do not want water being wasted at the taps in your school.

S.NoSign BoardMeaning Used at
1Beware of dogsto indicate that a dangerous dog is presentat the entrance of a building or private area
2No parkingNo parking signs are used to prevent drivers from parking in areas that may disrupt other road users, pedestrians, and property owners. At traffic signals, on busy roads, infront of the gate.
3Outside food not allowed.Some places may prohibit outside food for a variety of reasons, including: Food safetyIn theatres, parks
4Use dustbin do not want anyone to throw waste in the park, classrooms,officesPublic places, park, theatres, offices, schools
5Come in queue to wait in a line of peopleBus, theatres,

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