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Project Works: 5th Class Maths Project Work for FA 4

PROJECT WORKS: 5th Class Maths Project Work for FA 4 

Name: ______________________________________
Class: 5th Class 
School: _______________________________________
Subject: Maths
Lesson : Golconda fort 
Name of the Test: Formative Assessment - 4
Name of the Project: School Tour
Marks : 10 Marks 
Date : ...../ 02 / 202.... ( To be conducted before Feb 28st )

Q1 The details of the tour you went to from your school and its calculations, write the answers to the following questions? 10 Marks

Trip to Karimnagar 

1. How much amount has to be paid to the bus agency?

2 How much money is required for the tickets at Park?

3 So cost per head will be

4. travel cost `___________

5. ticket cost `___________

6. food cost `___________

7. total cost `___________

There might be some other expenses so let me ask each person to pay .....


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