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Revision of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners from 01.07.2022, G.O.Ms.No.121 Dated:30th October, 2024.

ABSTRACT PENSION – Revision of Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners
from 01.07.2022 - Sanctioned - Orders - Issued.
G.O.Ms.No.121 Dated:30th October, 2024.
Read the following: -
1. G.O.Ms.No.122, Finance (Pen.I) Department, dated: 22.05.2014.
2. G.O.Ms.No.37, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 1.6.2019.
3. G.O.Ms.No.90, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 8.11.2019.
4. G.O.Ms.No.70, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 23.10.2020.
5. G.O.Ms.No.55, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 11.06.2021.
6. G.O.Ms.No.4, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 19.01.2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No.10, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 23.01.2023.
8. G.O.Ms.No.51, Finance (HRM.V) Department, dated: 19.6.2023.
9. O.M.No.1/3/2022-E.II(B), dated: 03.10.2022 of Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
10.G.O.Ms.No.120, Finance (HRM.IV) Department, dated:30.10.2024.

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O R D E R:
Government hereby order revision of the Dearness Relief (DR) sanctioned in the Government Order 8
th read above to the Pensioners of Government of Telangana from 22.75% of basic pension to 26.39% of basic
pension, from 1st of July, 2022.

2. The above revision of Dearness Relief shall be applicable to;
a) The employees who retired from service on or after 01.07.2018 and are drawing pension as per the Revised Pay Scales, 2020
b) The employees who retired before 01.07.2018 and whose pension was consolidated as per Government Orders issued vide reference 5th read above.

3. Government also hereby order revision of the Dearness Relief to the State Government Pensioners, who are drawing pension in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015 from 59.196% to 63.912% of the basic pension from 1st of July, 2022.
4. Government hereby order revision of Dearness Relief from 34% to 38% of basic Pension from 1st July, 2022 in respect of the Pensioners who retired while drawing UGC/AICTE Pay Scales, 2016.
5. Government also hereby order revision of Dearness Relief from 203% to 212% of basic Pension from 1st July, 2022, in respect of the Pensioners who retired while drawing UGC/AICTE Pay Scales, 2006 and whose pension was not consolidated as per UGC Pay Scales, 2016.

6. These orders shall be applicable to;
a) All State Government Pensioners in receipt of Service Pensions, Family Pensions under Revised Pension Rules, 1951, Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961, Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964 and Revised Pension Rules, 1980.

b) Teaching and Non-Teaching pensioners of Municipalities, Panchayat Raj Institutions and Aided Educational Institutions, in receipt of pensions under the Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961 and Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964.

c) Teaching and Non-Teaching staff in Aided Educational Institutions in receipt of pensions under the Contributory Provident Fund-cum- pension and Gratuity Rules, 1961 and Telangana (Andhra Pradesh) Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961.
d) Those drawing family pensions as per Government Orders issued vide references 1st & 5th read above.

e) Pensioners in receipt of compassionate pension under the rules for Compassionate Pensions and Gratuities in the Hyderabad Civil Services Rules.
f) Pensioners who were in receipt of Pensions under the Wound and the Extraordinary Pension Rules.
g) Jagir and Estate Pensioners and
h) Pensioners governed by the Telangana Revised Pension Rules, 1980.
7. These orders shall not be applicable to Financial Assistance Grantees and others who are not entitled for Dearness Relief.
8. The amount of Dearness Relief shall be rounded off to the next rupee.
9. The Revised Dearness Relief shall be paid along with the pension of November, 2024 payable in the month of December, 2024. However, the arrears of revised Dearness Relief to the pensioners from 01.07.2022 to 31.10.2024 shall be paid in seventeen (17) equal installments from the month of January, 2025.

10. All the Treasury Officers/Pension Payment Officers shall workout and make payments of the Dearness Relief on Pension sanctioned in this order without waiting for further authorization/instructions from the Accountant General(A&E), Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, in terms of the orders issued in the G.O.Ms.No.270, Finance & Planning (FW:PSC.I) Department dt.07.10.1986.

11. The Revised Dearness Relief shall be paid along with the Pension of November, 2024, payable in the month of December, 2024.

12. All the Treasury Officers/Pension Payment Officers shall work out and make payments of the Dearness Relief on Pension sanctioned in this order without waiting for further authorization/instructions from the Accountant General (A&E), Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad.

13. The expenditure is allocable among the various States in accordance with provisions of Rule-24 of the Incidence of Pension Rules in Appendix III-B of the Telangana Accounts Code, Volume-I.

14. In respect of the categories of employees who are not covered for payment through the Treasuries, the expenditure shall be debited to the Pension Funds of Zilla Parishads and Pension Funds of the respective Municipal Councils.

15. In respect of the Pensioners of the Universities the expenditure on account of the Dearness Relief now sanctioned above shall be met from the Block Grants allotted to them.

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👉 *బేసిక్ పే నమోదు చేయగానే ఇంకా మనకు రావాల్సిన నాలుగు డిఏల నేల వారిగా సిపిఎస్ వారిగా స్టేట్మెంట్ తో సహా వస్తుంది.*


👉 *బేసిక్ పెన్షన్ మరియు వయస్సు నమోదు చేయగానే మనకు వచ్చే డి ఆర్ వివరాలు నెలవారీగా ఒక్కో నెలకు వచ్చే ఇన్స్టాల్మెంట్ వివరాలతో స్టేట్మెంట్ వస్తుంది*


👉 *బేసిక్ పెన్షన్ మరియు వయసు నమోదు చేయగానే ఇంకా రావాల్సిన 4 డి ఆర్ ల నెలవారీగా స్టేట్మెంట్ వస్తుంది.*


👉 *డిఏ ఉత్తర్వుల కోసం ఈ క్రింద క్లిక్ చేయండి*


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⚠️ *మా వాట్సాప్ నంబర్ 9494362244 ను మీ గ్రూపులలో కలపగలరు*


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