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Cabinet Sub Committee on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.3 17, GA(SPF.I) Department,dated.O6.l2.2O2t and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A. (SPF.I) Department, dated 04 .O4.2022 - Report and Recommendations G.O.Ms.No.243 Dated.29.ll.2O24

General Administration (SPF.I) Department - P.O. 201B - Cabinet Sub
Committee on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.3 17, GA(SPF.I) Department,
dated.O6.l2.2O2t and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A. (SPF.I) Department, dated 04 .O4.2022 - Report and Recommendations - Orders - Issued - Reg


Cabinet Sub Committee on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.3 17, GA(SPF.I) Department,
dated.O6.l2.2O2t and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A. (SPF.I) Department, dated 04 .O4.2022 - Report and Recommendations G.O.Ms.No.243 Dated.29.ll.2O24

1. G.O.Ms.No . 124, G A (SPF.l) Department, dated.30.OB.2018
2. G.O.Ms.No.128, GA(SPF-I) Dept., dated 30.06.2021.
3. G.O.Ms.No.317, GA (SPF.I) Department, dated.06.l2.2O2l.
4. Memo.No.1655/SPF-I/2021-5, G.A.(SPF.l) Dept', dated 22.12.2021.
5. Memo.No. 1655/SPF-I/202 1-6, G.A.(SPF.l) Dept., dated 22.12.2021.
6. G.O.Rt.No. 292, G. A (Cabinet) Dept., dated. 2 4.O2.2024.


      Government have constituted a Cabinet Sub-Committee vide G.O.Rt.No.292, G.A. (Cabinet) Department, dated 24 'O2 '2024, to
examine and make recommendations to the Government on issues relating to G.O.Ms.No.317, G.A' (SPF.I) Department, dated 06'12'2021 and G.O.Ms.No.46, G.A. (SPF.I) Department, dated 04.O4.2022'

2. The Cabinet Sub-Committee after holding a series of meetings with the secretaries to Government, HoDs and other concerned officials and stakeholders, after causing a detailed analysis of the representations and
grievances submitted in person and through the web portai designed for
Ihi* pr.po". and after due consultations with the law officers, submitted
their report on 20.1O.2024.

3. The Cabinet Sub-Committee, inter alia, made the following recommendations in regard to the grievances of the spouses working under the State Government, Local Bodies and State Government
Institutions who were allotted to different cadres and applied for change
of cadre in terms of para 23 of the Guidelines issued in G O'Ms'No'317,
dated O6.L2.2O2I.


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