Present: Shri P.RAMA RAO, M.Α
Proc. No. DCEB/SSC/2024-25. Dated: 23-01-2025.
DCEB-Nirmal-Conduct of Special Test 1&2 to SSC Students from 06.02.2025 To 13.02.2025 and 15.02.2025 to 22.02.2025 for the academic year 2024-25-Orders issued.
1. Govt. Memo No.4670/SE.PROG.II/A1/2024.Dt.22.05.2024.
2. Director of School Education, TS, HYD Rc.No.100/Gen/2024 Dt.23.05.2024.
3. Instructions of the Collector and District Magistrate Nirmal.
In view of the orders issued under reference cited, it has been decided to conduct of the Special Tests 1 & 2 to SSC Students from 06-02-2025 to 13-02-2025 and 15.02.2025 to 22.02.2025 for the Academic year 2024-25 in Nirmal District.
All the Head Masters of Govt and ZP High Schools and KGBVs and Model School and TSREIS are here by informed that, it is planned to conduct special Test 1 & 2 for X class students for upcoming SSC Annual exams. Now it is decided to conduct the special Tests 1 and 2 in the Afternoon Session from 2.00 PM to 05.00 PM. as per scheduled annexure from 06.02.2025 onwards. In this connection all the Head of the institutions are requested to follow the schedule compulsory. All subject teachers are requested to complete the paper valuation after the exam conducted and also analyze the student's exam wise performance. All Headmasters are monitor this process compulsorily. If any negligence on conduct of the Special Tests 1 and 2 found, the action will be initiated against the concerned as per the rules.
Encl:- Annexure
21/01 District Educational officer & Chairman, D.C.E.B., Nirmal.
All the Concerned Head Masters/Principals
All the Complex Head Masters/Mandal Educational Officers
Copy to the Additional Collector (Local Body)
Copy to the District Collector, Nirmal District
Copy submitted to the Director, SCERT, TG, Hyderabad for favor of kind information
Copy submitted to the Director C&DSE TS Hyderabad for favor of kind information.
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