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Preservation of EL to the teachers are drafted in M.P. Elections May 2024 Suryapet


Present: Sri.K Ashok, M.A.B.Id.

Rc. No.4660/82/2024 Dated:/01/2025


Elections General Elections to the House of People 2024-Preservation of EL to the teachers are drafted in M.P. Elections May 2024 during the summer vacation 2024-Certain instructions issued.


1. G.O.Ms.No.355 General Administration (Elections-H) Dept.. dt 19.05.1991.

2. G.O.Ms.No.317 Edn (Ser.V) Dept.. dt 15.09.1994.

3. G.O.Ms.No.151 Edn (Services) Dept., dt 14.11.2000.

4. Memo No.20214/PE.Ser 1/2009, dated 04.01.2010.

5. C& DSE A.P.Hyd Pro. Rc. No.174/E1-1/2010, dt 22.11.2010.

6. C& DSE A.P.Hyd Pro. Rc. No.362/E1-1/2013, dt 16.11.2013.

7. Memo No. 11301/Elecs.D/2023-25, dt 16.03.2024 of the Chief Electoral Officer. Telangana.

8. Representation of the President and General Secretary of certain Teachers Unions in Suryapet District.


Certain Teachers Associations in the District have made representations vide reference 8th read above stating that. certain teachers of Suryapet District have performed General Elections to the House of People 2024 during summer vacation and requested to issue necessary orders regarding preservation of E.L.

In view of the above, all the concerned Head Masters/MEOs in the District are requested to preserve the E. Ls to those teachers who were prevented from availing summer vacation during 2024 performed General Elections duties of 2024 subject to submission of Attendance Certificate issued by concerned Election authorities. The action should be taken as per the following norms.

1. As per ruling 15 under FR 82 is that "If a Government Servant of vacation department does duties during vacation and separately remunerated therefore he should not be considered as having been deprived of vacation. However, the teaching and non-teaching who are prevented from availing vacation/summer vacation for attending duties such as preparation/revision of remuneration in terms of G.O.Ms.No.35 dt 16.01.1981 and G.O.Ms.No.355 General Administration (Elections-H) Dept., dt 19.05.2021. As per FR 82. If a Government Servant of the vacation department does during vacation is eligible for preservation of EL not exceeding 30 days as per year.

2. The number of days of prevention/summer vacation shall be considered to have foregone vacation is the one that actually spent in attending to the duties assigned in terms of G.O.Ms.No.114 Finance dt 28.04.2005.

3. In any case the total number of Els accrued by virtue of preservation of vacation/ summer vacation shall not exceed 30 days (inclusive of 6 days)

Therefore, all the Mandal Educational Officers / Head Masters are requested to take action accordingly and make necessary entries in the Service Register of the individuals. Any deviation will be viewed seriously and they will personally have held responsible for the lapses.



pof Assistant Director. 29% DEO, Suryapet

To. All the Head Masters of Secondary Schools in the District. All the Mandal Educational Officers in the District. Spare copy.


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