1. Applications are invited through ONLINE for direct recruitment to the posts of Record Assistant in the Judicial Districts of State of Telangana as per the Telangana Judicial Ministerial and Subordinate Service Rules, 2018, carrying scale of pay of Rs.22240-67300.
2. The online application portal will be available in the High Court's website viz., "https://tshc.gov.in" and also in the websites of all the District Courts in the State of Telangana from 08.01.2025 to 31.01.2025. The Last date for submission of application through online is 31.01.2025 up to 11.59 p.m. No other mode of application will be entertained.
3. The detailed examination schedule will be hosted in the High Court's website viz., https://tshc.gov.in. The applicants are required to visit the official website of the High Court for the State of Telangana, to keep themselves updated on all the steps/results until the completion of the recruitment.
a) Must have passed Intermediate conducted by the State Board of Intermediate Education or its equivalent examination.
b) The candidate shall possess the aforesaid Educational Qualifications as on the date of this notification
c) The candidates who have higher than the prescribed academic qualification, if any, shall submit the concerned certificates at the time of verification of original certificates.
a) Candidates shall not be eligible for appointment if they do not possess adequate knowledge of the language or languages of the district in which they are to be appointed. The list containing the languages of the districts are specified in the User Guide available in the website of the High Court.
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