Sub: School Education Department - DSC-2008 - Engage S G T services with the candidates who were affected due to change in selection pattern for appointment to the post
of Secondary Grade Teachers in DSC-2008 on contract basis
Government vide reference 16th read above have informed that the cabinet Sub-Committee has recommended the following terms and conditions:
i, As per NCTE Regulations-2014, the B.Ed, candidates are not
eligible to hold the post of Secondary Grade Teacher in primary Schools in the State as per the Hon,ble Supreme Court of India
Orders Dated 11.08.2023 in Civit Appeat No.5068 ol 2023 (Devesh
Sharma Vs Union of India and Otherc), However, the request of
the B.Ed. candidates has been considered on the sympathetic and
humanitarian grounds as a special case and shall not to be taken
as a precedent.
ii. Their engagement shall be purely on contract basis and subject to
continuation from time to time as per the need and requirement
of the Department.
iii, Their services may be terminated on the last working day of every
academic year and re-engaged for the next academic year as per
the need and requirement.
iv. rt shall be explicitly stipulated in the contract conditions that the
Department will have the right to terminate the services at any
time by giving one month notice or monthly remuneration in tieu
v. Their consolidated remuneration may be fixed as Rs.31,040/-
(this is recommended, taking into consideration the minimum pay
of SGT).
vi. The norms prescribed by the Finance Department regarding
compliance with reservation for local candidates as per
Presidential Order -2018 and the rule of reservation for SC, ST, BC, etc,, in regard to contractual services, shall be strictly
adhered to by the Director of School Education.
Their leave entitlement shail be the same as those appricabre for other contractual personnel as per the orders isiued by the Finance Department from time to time.
The Director of School Education shall ensure that the competent authority engaging their services on contractual basis obtains a
properly stamped agreement before engaging their services, in a
suitable format prescribed, keeping in view the above terms and conditions
They shall not be entitled by reason of the above contractual
engagement, to any preferential right to any other appointment
or any other service.
a) following the norms prescribed for engaging the services on contract/ outsourcing basis, issued vide Government G.o.Rt.No.427L, Finance (sMpc) Department, dated 01. 1 1.2009.
b) paying the consolidated remuneration of Rs.31/o4o/- per month, with a condition to pay the same through IFMIS-DBT mode.
c) obtaining a contract agreement with the persons engaged.
d) following the recommendations of the cabinet sub-committee mentioned at para-3 in G.o.Ms.No.14 schoor Education (ser.rI) Department, Dated L4.O2.2025.
e) verifying and confirming the eligibility, qualifications and genuineness of the certificates of the individuals.
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